jQuery.selectr v 1.0
When applying this jQuery plugin to a table, a column is appended to each row allowing the visitor to check or uncheck a certain number of rows in a global way or individually.
A certain number of options is provided allowing, for instance, to limit the number of checkable rows or to provide a callback function when the maximum number of checked rows is reached.
All the ids of the checked rows are stored in a jQuery data object accessible by any jQuery function you have eslewhere in your code.
Basic use
The basic use .
N° | Movie | Date |
IV | A New Hope | 25 May 1977 |
V | The Empire Strikes Back | 21 May 1980 |
VI | Return of the Jedi | 25 May 1983 |
I | The Phantom Menace | 19 May 1999 |
II | Attack of the Clones | 16 May 2002 |
III | Revenge of the Sith | 19 May 2005 |
Changing class for highlighted rows
You can define the css class to be applied to the selected rows so that you can have specific styles for your different tables.
highlight: "classname"
N° | Movie | Date |
IV | A New Hope | 25 May 1977 |
V | The Empire Strikes Back | 21 May 1980 |
VI | Return of the Jedi | 25 May 1983 |
I | The Phantom Menace | 19 May 1999 |
II | Attack of the Clones | 16 May 2002 |
III | Revenge of the Sith | 19 May 2005 |
Right/left position
You can define the css class to be applied to the selected rows so that you can have specific styles for your different tables.
position: "right"/"left"
N° | Movie | Date |
IV | A New Hope | 25 May 1977 |
V | The Empire Strikes Back | 21 May 1980 |
VI | Return of the Jedi | 25 May 1983 |
I | The Phantom Menace | 19 May 1999 |
II | Attack of the Clones | 16 May 2002 |
III | Revenge of the Sith | 19 May 2005 |
Setting a counter
On big tables it might be useful to display the count of checked rows, this is done via the count option. You will need however to create a tfoot in your table in order to display the counter.
count: true/false
N° | Movie | Date |
IV | A New Hope | 25 May 1977 |
V | The Empire Strikes Back | 21 May 1980 |
VI | Return of the Jedi | 25 May 1983 |
I | The Phantom Menace | 19 May 1999 |
II | Attack of the Clones | 16 May 2002 |
III | Revenge of the Sith | 19 May 2005 |
Setting a maximum
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante.
checkMax: 2
N° | Movie | Date |
IV | A New Hope | 25 May 1977 |
V | The Empire Strikes Back | 21 May 1980 |
VI | Return of the Jedi | 25 May 1983 |
I | The Phantom Menace | 19 May 1999 |
II | Attack of the Clones | 16 May 2002 |
III | Revenge of the Sith | 19 May 2005 |
Providing a callback function
You can provide a callback function to be run on each click on the checkboxes or when the maximum number of checked checkboxes is reached. The second mode requires a value for checkMax.
checkMax: 3
}, function() {
// here goes the code of your callback function
N° | Movie | Date |
IV | A New Hope | 25 May 1977 |
V | The Empire Strikes Back | 21 May 1980 |
VI | Return of the Jedi | 25 May 1983 |
I | The Phantom Menace | 19 May 1999 |
II | Attack of the Clones | 16 May 2002 |
III | Revenge of the Sith | 19 May 2005 |
List of checked rows:
Pre-checking radioboxes
You can provide a callback function to be run on each click on the checkboxes or when the maximum number of checked checkboxes is reached. The second mode requires a value for checkMax.
list: [2,4,5]
N° | Movie | Date |
IV | A New Hope | 25 May 1977 |
V | The Empire Strikes Back | 21 May 1980 |
VI | Return of the Jedi | 25 May 1983 |
I | The Phantom Menace | 19 May 1999 |
II | Attack of the Clones | 16 May 2002 |
III | Revenge of the Sith | 19 May 2005 |